
I’m struck by how much people love travelling and also trying out new food. I’m also struck by the fact that when I travel round Britain how few white people I find in cafes,restaurants and food shops in the diverse communities of our great cities. Because the food is amazing and its loads of fun to find and try it makes sense to put word out there about places such as Rose Bakery, Stratford Road, Birmingham, or L7 Village Supermarket in Kensington, Liverpool or Chez Zaynab, Stapleton Road, Bristol.

Turkish Lidl style

Turkish Lidl style

Unleavened bread, Kandwi, Njera, carob molasses, Polish rye bread, pomegranate Turkish delight are just some of the hundreds of extraordinary food and paraphernalia that venturing into your home city can provide. On the homepage there are just some of the places to visit in our amazing country.
